IELTS Speaking Part 1: Video Games

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Video Games

General Rules:

Here are some general rules about Part 1 that you may find useful. The point of Task 1 is for you to answer shortly to many questions. Think of it like an interview where you need to answer questions about yourself. You should:

Keep it short. When you practice, in general try to answer in 15 to 20 seconds per question. 

Give at least 1 reason and 1 real-life example. Again very general but try to have at least 1 real example in your answer.

Talk about yourself. This part is all related to you (if the question doesn't say another person).

So, lets take a look at some questions:

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and Linking words

Idioms and Phrases

Business Phrases

Types of Video Games:

Here are some popular types of video games. There are many more and many of them are a mix between all of these:

Do you play video games?

Answer 1:

I play some on my mobile phone. I don't like action games, but I do enjoy puzzles and arcade types of games where you need to beat challenges or solve a problem. I like brain teasers!

My Personal Answer:

Yes, I do. It is a great pastime and when I can I'll play RPG games. These are my favorites, where you have a character and you need to go on a long adventure, killing monsters, saving people, and leveling up, getting stronger and stronger in the process. I've been playing games such as the famous RPG World of Warcraft for over 18 years.

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Do you watch others play video games?

Answer 1:

A "No" answer:

Not really. I dont understand why some watch another person playing a game when I can play that game myself. I can only watch for a guide or help if I need it, but in general, I prefer playing the games and not watching them like a movie.

My Personal Answer:

I do sometimes. I'm not a huge fan of streamers and I don't like watching a live stream of a game being played as that spoils the game for me, however, I watch game reviews, guides, and other discussions around a video game. There is oftentimes a ton of controversy surrounding video games, and that makes for a lot of drama videos to be made.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Do you think people spend too much time playing video games?

Answer 1:

Well, some young people spend way too much time playing games for sure. There are teenagers who game for over 5 or 6 hours a day, unsupervised by their parents. Playing games is a hobby, and as one should be enjoyed, but it shouldn't replace real life.

My Personal Answer:

It is still a controversial topic to discuss, especially in media. The reality is that video games have become the number one entertainment industry in the world, by far. This means that they have replaced everything else that existed prior to them, and so people would spend a lot of time being entertained. I don't see any difference between gaming and for example, watching TV, or reading books in the past. It is all a form of entertainment.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Do you prefer playing video games alone or with others?

Answer 1:

I prefer to play multiplayer games where I can interact with other people. It is always fun to get in a group with some strangers and chat. Sometimes I meet people from other countries, and that allows me to communicate in other languages and maybe even make new friends. It's awesome.

My Personal Answer:

I am definitely a solo playerI have tried to play in groups as I played a lot of MMORPGs in the last 10-15 years. The problem is that I find people difficult to work with. They are oftentimes pushy, annoying, at times rude, and obnoxious, and I have begun avoiding all social interactions in games. I would even turn off the chat if I could. I prefer to focus on the game without being distracted or interrupted by others.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Can games be harmful to young people?

Answer 1:

I think a lot of young people, and especially boys can get sort of addicted to games and gaming altogether. This is pretty bad because it happens while they are teenagers, and at that age, they can't control themselves well, so they just game all day and night. Parents have a very important role in this situation to monitor and also control their kids' behavior.

My Personal Answer:

I mean, there is harm in everything, if it's done mindlessly without consideration. There are a lot of young people who get hooked on spending a lot of money on their video games, and I blame mainly governments for allowing companies to design video games for profit and not for entertainment. Money and spending should be banned or heavily restricted in video games, period, and it is time for leaders to wake up and realize the harmful practices video game creators use to lure teenagers to gamble inside their games.

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Are video games educational?

Answer 1:

They can be, of course. There are a ton of games aimed at young children and teenagers with educational materials inside. There is this thing called "gamification, which is a trend in making apps and programs like games, in order to foster that sort of connection and strife-reward type of relationship with learning. It is quite effective.

My Personal Answer:

I think a lot of them are, even without realizing it. Gaming can teach a lot about social interactions, critical thinking and problem-solving, languages, decision-making, leadership, and much more. All of these skills are presented in the form of a game, and a person being immersed in that game learns them automatically without realizing it. It is absolutely essential for young people to play video games and interact with these interfaces, and that will make their jobs in the future really easy to manage. These technical skills are necessary for any individual, no matter his degree or aim.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:
1 Comment
Posted on  01/11/2024 03:03 PM When I was a young kid I spent most of my free time watching one of my neighbors playing Mariooooo
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