IELTS Speaking Part 1: Health

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Health

General Rules:

Here are some general rules about Part 1 that you may find useful. The point of Task 1 is for you to answer shortly to many questions. Think of it like an interview where you need to answer questions about yourself. You should:

Keep it short. When you practice, in general try to answer in 15 to 20 seconds per question. 

Give at least 1 reason and 1 real-life example. Again very general but try to have at least 1 real example in your answer.

Talk about yourself. This part is all related to you (if the question doesn't say another person).

So, lets take a look at some questions:

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and Linking words

Idioms and Phrases

Business Phrases

How do you keep healthy?

Answer 1:

If a person doesn't exercise much.

I don't like doing sports that much and so I can't say I exercise regularly. What I do for my health is I try to eat healthy. I have regular meals and I try to control what I eat and how much I eat. I usually have a light breakfast, moderate lunch, and then a smaller dinner. 

My Personal Answer:

I'm a big fan of going to the gym. I'm trying to go to the gym at least 2 or 3 times a week, depending on my available time. I didn't have this habit as a young person, but I developed it later, by myself as I grew up. Something else I'd do is to follow my diet closely and what I intake. I don't limit myself much and I don't count my calories too much, but I make conscious decisions on what I eat and when I eat it. For instance, I limit my fast food intake.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

What are your favorite sports for keeping fit?

Answer 1:

I like some light sports. Oftentimes I play volleyball, badminton or I'd do some general aerobics. I don't like heavy sports that involve a lot of running or lifting heavy objects. I try not to push myself too much If I can.

My Personal Answer:

I'm not a big fan of all traditional sports. I don't like the competitive aspect of those sports, always being judged on how much you can score or if you can win against an opponent. I prefer sports I can do by myself, such as going to the gym, swimming, or doing some type of yoga on my own. These days we can learn all of these sports from the internet, following video guides, and I've been doing that on my own for over 10 years.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Are there health classes in your school?

Answer 1:

We learned very general stuff about food, vitamins and minerals, and nutrients in biology class, but that was taught for a test and not as a skill for us to learn and improve our diet. And so I guess we didn't have any specific classes on health, except that.

My Personal Answer:

Health, related to exams and tests in biology yes. Health in terms of our personal health and how to take care of ourselves, absolutely not. This is a problem with much of the modern education system, as a whole. Oftentimes subjects at school are designed to be learned quickly, then be tested on, and then completely forgotten. What's more, these subjects focus on theory rather than practice, and they end up being something we vaguely remember theoretically, instead of an ability or skill we can learn to possess. We didn't learn anything about our personal health, diet, or any other information about living a balanced and healthy lifestyle
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

What are the health benefits of sports?

Answer 1:

Well, the first and obvious one is staying fit. Our fitness is a very important aspect of our life, in times when we eat so much fast food and processed foods. Another positive is for our mind. Exercising or working out relieves a lot of our mental pressure from studying or life as a whole.

My Personal Answer:

Well beyond keeping us in shape and good looks, sports and exercising have been linked to an increase in life expectancy. A problem for the modern human is that there is very little free time that he or she can allocate to sports. We are so busy and preoccupied with work that oftentimes we neglect our health completely, eating badly and not doing any sports at all. I definitely believe in the health benefits sports provide and if we could add a few more years to our life, we should do anything in our power to save time for sports. 
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Is it easy for people to exercise in your country?

Answer 1:

I guess so. It's all about their personal motivation. A person can work out anywhere really. They can run or jog in the park or even around their neighborhood. They can use some outdoor equipment or join a sports group. For instance, people go playing football or basketball outside with their friends quite often. So yes it's easy to do a sport.

My Personal Answer:

Yes, it is. I see people working out constantly everywhere. There are many gyms all over the town and that's a popular sport activity, especially for men. There are many basketball courts, tennis courts, football fields, and many other sports equipment all over the town as well. Additionally, there are a few swimming pools for people to enjoy swimming. There is a lot to do when it comes to sports, and all it takes is motivation
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

How do young people stay healthy?

Answer 1:

For a young person, it doesn't take too much to be in a good shape. All we have to do is to have regular exercise. That could mean doing some active sports two, three, or more times a week. When we are young, our metabolism takes care of us really well, and as long as we don't eat too much fast food, it is easy to keep fit.

My Personal Answer:

I've seen many of them putting a lot of effort into serious sports training. Some younger people do a lot of basketball, volleyball, or football at school and even join their school's teams. So they take it to the next competitive level. The gym has become quite popular as well, thanks to social media. There are tons of personal trainers and workout gurus showing off their bodies and giving advice on working out and nutrition and many young people follow this trend to the gym.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:
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Posted on  12/16/2023 01:07 AM very very useful
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