IELTS Speaking Part 1: Reading

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Reading

General Rules:

Here are some general rules about Part 1 that you may find useful. The point of Task 1 is for you to answer shortly to many questions. Think of it like an interview where you need to answer questions about yourself. You should:

Keep it short. When you practice, in general try to answer in 15 to 20 seconds per question. 

Give at least 1 reason and 1 real-life example. Again very general but try to have at least 1 real example in your answer.

Talk about yourself. This part is all related to you (if the question doesn't say another person).

So, lets take a look at some questions:

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and Linking words

*NEW* - Have you ever read a novel that has been adapted into a film?

Answer 1:

Ummm... Maybe. I think many novels have been adapted to movies these days... For example, very recently there was Dune. I read this book a few years ago, as it was recommended by one of my friends. This is a science fiction novel that was made into a pretty good movie. Well, it was just the first part, and I can't wait to see the next movie, once it's done.

My Personal Answer:

Yeah. I mentioned those earlier, and both of these were adapted into movies. Actually, The Lord Of The Rings is considered the greatest movie of our lifetime. This was a unique case, as oftentimes novels adapted to movies make too many changes and add in a lot of current ideas, and that usually destroys the story or at least pisses off the fans of the novel. However, for The Lord Of The Rings, the movie achieved the impossible. Harry Potter was a quite good movie franchise as well. They kept the magic and mystery and stayed loyal to the books and characters, and that made for a great experience on the big screen.

*NEW* - Are your reading habits now different than before?

Answer 1:

I think my reading habit changed a lot. I think it changes for everyone. When we are kids we usually like to read some fairytales and funny stories. As we grow up we are made to read more serious and complex stories about our society and then, later on, we pick and choose topics we are into, and keep reading those. For me, it was the same as for anyone else.

My Personal Answer:

Absolutely. I'd say they are entirely different. I used to read a lot of fantasy novels when I was a teenager. Things like Harry Potter or The Lord Of The Rings. I have some really fond memories of reading through those books. Nowadays I mostly read economic articles related to countries' development, financial and political analysis, and some related to video gaming. You could say that I left my teenage fantasies and came back to the cold harsh reality of our world. 

Do you like reading?

Answer 1:

Yeah, absolutely. I love reading in my spare time. I usually enjoy reading novels, political news and happening from around the world. Reading is so important for us to be more knowledgeable and to know more about the daily happenings.

My Personal Answer:

Not exactly. Lately, the most I can make myself to read are headlines, comments in some discussion online and memes or jokes. I used to like reading when I was a teenager, but these days I prefer listening to a YouTube video, or some other audio format. I find it tedious to read, to be honest.

Do you like to read at home or in other places?

Answer 1:

That depends on what I have to read really. If I need to read a reading assignment for school, I can read it at the library or in my dorm at school. If I read my own favorite things, well I can do it in any place, as long as it's quiet.

My Personal Answer:

People and places distract me a lot, and so I prefer a quiet place where I can put my mind together and focus on the reading. As I said before, I don't like reading, but if I have to do some sort of research, then I'd definitely do it at home as at home is peaceful and relaxing. Not to mention that I can grab a snack from the fridge any time. 

In what place do you think it is difficult to read?

Answer 1:

I would say that it is challenging to read in public transportation. At least for me, I can't focus on reading if the bus or the car is moving and shaking all the time. It kind of makes me sick. So I think that's where it's the most difficult to read.

My Personal Answer:

For me, it has to be anywhere full with people. I can't see myself reading in a public library or public book store, although I've seen many who do exactly that. I don't understand how they focus on their reading when everyone around them is moving and making noise. It's an absolute mystery for me.

Do you like to read by yourself, or with other people?

Answer 1:

Umm...that's a strange question. Of course I like to read by myself. I think reading is something we do on our own, in our head. I don't know who would like to read with others around... maybe in a library, but still, it is a private thing.

My Personal Answer:

Well, as I said before, I enjoy reading on my own. I believe the purpose of reading is for us to sit down, concentrate and get immersed in whatever we are reading. If we are reading a mystery novel, we'd start solving the crime in our head. If we are reading the latest news, we'd read comments and reactions... I don't see a point of being surrounded by others in this case.

What kind of things do you like reading?

Answer 1:

I've read a lot of different types of books. When I have to read for school, I will focus on the mandatory reading they ask us to cover, like our text books and extra reading assigned from our teacher. Other times I'd read for fun. I enjoy reading some fantasy novels like the Harry Potter books for example.

My Personal Answer:

Well, where should I start... Alright, well firstly I like reading about politics. I prefer reading about international politics and political happenings from around the world. From time to time, I'd read something on technology. I'm generally curious about tech development and try to stay up to date with it as much as possible. And then, I like reading comments and discussions online in the social media I use. I find it fascinating and amusing.

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