IELTS Speaking Part 1: Mirrors

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Mirrors

General Rules:

Here are some general rules about Part 1 that you may find useful. The point of Task 1 is for you to answer shortly to many questions. Think of it like an interview where you need to answer questions about yourself. You should:

Keep it short. When you practice, in general try to answer in 15 to 20 seconds per question. 

Give at least 1 reason and 1 real-life example. Again very general but try to have at least 1 real example in your answer.

Talk about yourself. This part is all related to you (if the question doesn't say another person).

So, lets take a look at some questions:

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and Linking words

Idioms and Phrases

Business Phrases

Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? How often?

Answer 1:

I guess so. It is important to keep a clean image and so I will look at myself in the mirror every time before leaving home. I would definitely spend more time in front of the mirror when going on a date or to some special event like a party. Appearance is very important in our generation, and a mirror helps a lot when looking to correct something in our image.

My Personal Answer:

I would, every now and then. As a man, I don't need so much time in front of the mirror, and I'd probably use it only when I'm in the washroom. I don't maintain any special haircut, don't use hair gel, and definitely don't use any makeup or face-care cosmetics, and therefore I don't have any need to check myself before leaving home. What usually happens is, I take a shower and leave, without even a glance in the mirror.

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Have you ever bought mirrors?

Answer 1:

I don't remember exactly when, but I'm sure I've bought or someone else at home bought them. We have a few different ones at home. One big mirror on the wardrobe door, one in the bathroom, and a few smaller ones scattered around the house

My Personal Answer:

No, I don't think I've ever bought a mirror in my life. What usually happens is when I order stuff online, many companies add a free gift in the package. Often times that free gift is a small, round-shaped hand mirror. At some point, I remember having over ten of these at home... and somehow all of them disappeared. An absolute mystery

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Do you usually take a mirror with you?

Answer 1:

* Answer as a girl/woman

Yeah, I believe every young woman will carry at least a small mirror in her purse. I have one attached to my mascara and it's enough for when I want to add some on my face or put on lipstick. So yeah, I carry one, as I use it frequently.

My Personal Answer:

Personally, I wouldn't carry one even if I needed it. I really hate carrying extra things with me, making my hands busy. I usually carry a sports backpack, but I don't fill it up with everything I have at home. And as I mentioned before, as a man I don't need a mirror. I'm confident enough in my natural looks, and I don't need any corrections.

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Would you use mirrors to decorate your room?

Answer 1:

I believe a mirror is good for a bedroom or a dressing room, and so if it's my private bedroom or a dressing room then it is perfectly fine. I wouldn't put more mirrors in other rooms like the kitchen or the living room, as it is not necessary really.

My Personal Answer:

I don't really need more than two mirrors in my house. I wouldn't put any mirror in my private room, I feel that's creepy. I'd only have one for dressing and one in the bathroom. I'm not a narcissist to want to see myself in every room of the house. So I wouldn't decorate with that many.

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Are mirrors useful? What for?

Answer 1:

* Answer for a girl/woman

Yes, of course, they are. In fact, they are essential for a person to keep his image polished and clean. Every morning we begin with a deep look in the mirror, checking for some imperfections or spots that need a coverup. Next, we use mirrors for doing full-face makeup in order to look excellent for the day. So yeah, they are pretty useful, I'd say.

My Personal Answer:

Quite a few things actually. Hairdressers need mirrors to show you their progress on your haircut and ask you if you're satisfied. Dancers practice in studio rooms surrounded by mirrors so they can work on perfecting their movements while dancing. There are even some magic tricks being done with mirrors, and so, yes, they are quite necessary for our life.

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:
1 Comment
Posted on  05/22/2022 06:15 PM Very good answer and as I like it.
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