IELTS Speaking Part 1: Memory

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Memory

General Rules:

Here are some general rules about Part 1 that you may find useful. The point of Task 1 is for you to answer shortly to many questions. Think of it like an interview where you need to answer questions about yourself. You should:

Keep it short. When you practice, in general try to answer in 15 to 20 seconds per question. 

Give at least 1 reason and 1 real-life example. Again very general but try to have at least 1 real example in your answer.

Talk about yourself. This part is all related to you (if the question doesn't say another person).

So, lets take a look at some questions:

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and Linking words

Idioms and Phrases

Business Phrases

Are you good at memorizing things?

Answer 1:

I guess I am. While in school, we have to memorize a lot of material for our exams, tests, and whatnot. I've been doing well on these and so I guess I'm good at memorizing and sort of learning the different subjects and lessons required. On top of that, my memory works quite well for everything related to my hobbies, be it music and song lyrics or games and TV shows and their storylines.

My Personal Answer:

Hmm, that depends. I'd say I have a terrible memory of trivial and daily stuff. I can't even remember a list of groceries I need to buy or my daily meetings. And I'm terrible with names. I have to use a person's name at least 10 times to remember it. However, my memory excels in other aspects like for instance lore of my favorite video games or cooking recipes and methods. So I guess I need a special emotional attachment in order to remember well. 
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Why do more people rely on cellphones to memorize things?

Answer 1:

Well because technology allows us to set up our schedule easily, with a click of a button. We can download different apps for taking notes, reminders, meetings, calendars, or even online group events and activities. Some companies use comprehensive software for running their organization more effectively, and that can be done on our mobile devices. So they are quite useful

My Personal Answer:

I wouldn't say everybody does that. Mobile phones are useful as you can set an alarm or a reminder for any upcoming activity. You can even remind yourself about the groceries you are supposed to buy. However, I still use a pen and a notebook. I know people who put a huge paper calendar on their wall and write their activities over there. Some of us still rely on the old methods and find them much more effective.

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Why do some people have good memory while others just don't?

Answer 1:

It could be related to practice or passion. Firstly, some people who learn their whole life, I'm talking scientists, researchers, journalists and more, they just constantly absorb information and train their brain to add more and more knowledge. I guess that trains their memory quite well. Passion is also important. When someone loves deeply the thing he does, he tends to become a "nerd" in that field and remember a lot of tiny little details.

My Personal Answer:

As we are all different and develop differently, some will grow up with a strong memory and others won't. It's probably related to genetics, but in some aspects, we can train our minds to hold on to more information. We know that while working or focusing in one particular field a person can build up a lot of knowledge and memorize a lot of data from that field. However, at that same time, he will become more absent-minded and forgetful about his daily necessities. So in other words, we build a certain memory capacity in one aspect and we lose memory in the other. At least that's how I understand it.

My Personal Answer:
My Personal Answer:

Have you ever forgotten something that was important?

Answer 1:

*As a student.

While at school, I've definitely forgotten about a test or an assignment that was due. I think almost everyone has a story like this. At times, especially around the finals or the midterms, we tend to have so much study pressure, that we end up forgetting one or two of the less important subjects. That can cause a lot of headaches later at home.

My Personal Answer:

As I mentioned earlier, I am quite forgetful. The most important thing is that I'm aware of it, and I take action. I always set multiple alarms ahead of time for meetings or other important events. I would always write down an important thought I had, as it will surely disappear later on. In terms of forgetting, I remember (pun intended) I once forgot my grandparents birthdays, even though I had a reminder. It was embarrassing for sure, but I made it up to them later.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

What types of memories do you have from your childhood?

Answer 1:

Lovely ones. I have so many precious memories about childhood friends I used to play with, games we used to play together, birthdays we celebrated with each other, and more. Other things are certainly family time and family gatherings. I remember many holidays we spent together around the table eating and laughing, celebrating the New Year or Christmas together. Wonderful time indeed.

My Personal Answer:

I have a lot of memories related to different relatives. So, in particular, I have memories of my grandparents from my mother's side. I remember them being kind and generous, always loving us and giving us so much. My mother moved far away from them for work and living, and we used to visit them once or twice a year. Every time going, I was anticipating the moments we can spend together. Although we were not so close because of the distance, we were in a way closer. These are the memories of people we know, and I will hold them forever in me.

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:
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