IELTS Speaking Part 1: Environmental Protection

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Environmental Protection

General Rules:

Here are some general rules about Part 1 that you may find useful. The point of Task 1 is for you to answer shortly to many questions. Think of it like an interview where you need to answer questions about yourself. You should:

Keep it short. When you practice, in general try to answer in 15 to 20 seconds per question. 

Give at least 1 reason and 1 real-life example. Again very general but try to have at least 1 real example in your answer.

Talk about yourself. This part is all related to you (if the question doesn't say another person).

So, lets take a look at some questions:

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and Linking words

Would you want to work in a company related to environmental protection?

Answer 1:

Oh yes, absolutely. I believe it will be a great privilege to work for a company like this.  I would love to volunteer in some NGO, or other organization and help care for animals in need. If there is a way, I'd even make this into a career. Unfortunately, my parents would strongly disagree with this idea

My Personal Answer:

My answer is definitely yes, although there are some issues. I love caring for animals and I'd love this to be a career. The problems is that many of these jobs are either as an unpaid volunteer or as a normal employee. I don't think it is a great financial decision, and working for these types of organizations seems like a temporary thing people do, and then move on. If there was a way for me to help and get well paid, then I'd do it without any second thoughts.

How can we protect the environment?

Answer 1:

Try to shower less... I'm joking. We can do small things to change our daily life like use less water. Just turn off the water tap when soaping our hands or the shower when shampooing our head. What's more, the transport we use is so important. If we stop driving, or use cars as less as possible and take either a bike or the public transport, that will be an amazing contribution

My Personal Answer:

There are things we can do individually, and things we should do as a society. Ourselves, we need to preserve water, we should use different transportation and in general we can switch to more biking and walking... As a society, we have to consume less. Less energy, less food, less purchases and so on. As you know, we are doing exactly the opposite at the moment and it's only getting worse, so I don't know what our future will bring.

Do you think you've done enough to protect the environment?

Answer 1:

I try my best, but I guess I can do more. I already try to save water, taking quick showers, trying not to waste water as much as possible. I still need to learn to divide my trash. This is something that seems really annoying, because I know it's important, and I can't make myself to do it. It's so much more convenient to collect all rubbish in one place than to separate it in 4 different bins.

My Personal Answer:

I have done some, that's for sure. Firstly, I've decided not to drive. That's one car less on the road, although I bought a car for my wife. I plan to upgrade to an electric vehicle next, but for now, it's a traditional gasoline engine. I think one of the problems of our society is that we live in a consumer society. We NEED to have things, and those things create the pollution in our atmosphere. I'm trying my best, but sometimes I can't escape the consumer mentality of "I need to buy more...".

Is there education about environmental protection at school?

Answer 1:

Oh, yes we had some lessons in our biology classes and our ethics lessons. In biology we learned about different types of pollution and how they affect us, what causes them and how can we reduce them. In ethics we had lesson discussions about ethical manufacturing and what type of behavior should be considered criminal.

My Personal Answer:

I remember we had some lessons in middle school, but in my time it was definitely less. At that time, the climate change crisis was not a big headline, and so education was not very concerned about it. We had some talks about water preservation, plastic pollution, carbon dioxide and heating up of our atmosphere and more, however all that was discussed in just a few classes. We needed more.

Why some people refuse to care about the environment?

Answer 1:

I guess it's because of lack of education both at home and in school. If these people do not get a good example from their parents, it is unlikely to develop deep care for our environment. In terms of school, if there are very few discussions and examples about why we need to protect the environment, many students will simply stay ignorant, and never consider even throwing their rubbish correctly.

My Personal Answer:

There are some surface reasons like lack of education, but I believe it goes deeper. Our society is taught to value only material assets. From start to finish, our media, social platforms, movies, culture and everything else focuses on vanity and ownership. Money and owning stuff is the culture of the world, and owning so many items for distraction makes us numb to issues with nature and environment. Why care about the environment when we have the latest newest cool gadget in our hand? The question answers itself. 

Posted on  11/20/2021 11:24 PM Really useful!! Thanks so much!
Posted on  11/30/2022 11:51 PM Thanks . It's really helpful .
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