IELTS Speaking Part 1: Barbecue

IELTS Speaking Part 1: Barbecue

General Rules:

Here are some general rules about Part 1 that you may find useful. The point of Task 1 is for you to answer shortly to many questions. Think of it like an interview where you need to answer questions about yourself. You should:

Keep it short. When you practice, in general try to answer in 15 to 20 seconds per question. 

Give at least 1 reason and 1 real-life example. Again very general but try to have at least 1 real example in your answer.

Talk about yourself. This part is all related to you (if the question doesn't say another person).

So, lets take a look at some questions:

Vocabulary related to the topic

Sentence starters and Linking words

Idioms and Phrases

Business Phrases

Did you have barbecue when you were a child?

Answer 1:

Not really. My parents used to have barbecues with their friends when they were younger, but we never had any barbecue gatherings after I was born. At least I don't remember any. The first time I had a real barbecue was when I was in high school, and by that time, we did it with my friends. 

My Personal Answer:

We did a few. Actually, it was my uncle, who was and still is always enthusiastic about outdoor barbecues. He has all the tools needed to make skewers and knows how to set up a real fire and use the charcoal from the burned wood for cooking different types of meats and vegetables. He is an expert and has done a few barbecues for our family gatherings over the years.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Do people in your country like barbecue?

Answer 1:

I'm not really sure. We do not allow setting fire in the cities, so I suppose most people can't do any barbecue in the major cities. If they wanted to enjoy this outdoor activity, they'd have to go to the countryside. Perhaps some like to do a barbecue outside, but to be honest, these days we have a lot of tools like electric grills and other cooking machines, so fewer people would bother making a real barbecue with coal and fire.

My Personal Answer:

Alright, so I'll tell you about Denmark, where I used to live. In Denmark, it is sort of a family tradition to do barbecues. This is because many people live in single houses with yards. This means that they can use their yard space to set up a barbecue and invite some of their friends over. Because of this reason, I've had many barbecues where we ate and talked for hours with friends, classmates, or with relatives. And generally, you can see people having these barbecues all over the country.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?

Answer 1:

When we go to a barbecue, we always prepare skewers. These are these sharp metal sticks that you stab meat and other ingredients on. So in terms of the meat, we can put anything we like on those skewers like marinated beef pieces, pork pieces, clean chicken meat, or chicken wings. Further, for veggies, we can stab onion, tomato pieces, potato slices, corn, and so on. 

My Personal Answer:

When we organize a barbecue, we will buy very ordinary and everyday meats like chicken, chicken wings, beef and pork pieces, and others. However, if we go to a barbecue restaurant, there will be a large variety of food we can order. They will have many types of meat like lamb, expensive beef, and further, a lot of seafood like squid, clams, oysters, and fish. As for the veggies, again there will be more options like different types of mushrooms, eggplants, garlic sprouts, onion sprouts, and so many other types. Definitely more things to try.
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Would you like to have a barbecue with your family or your friends?

Answer 1:

I'd love to do a barbecue with my friends. Most of my family members are older, and they won't go for a barbecue outside. They might go to a barbecue restaurant. That's why I prefer to go with my friends, as we would enjoy an outdoor barbecue in nature. My parents get tired easily

My Personal Answer:

Now, first I'd say that there is nothing wrong with spending time with both. That said... I believe this changes with time. When we are young, until 18, we spend most of our time with our family. We aren't even allowed to hang out with friends that often. Later, as our parents get older, we begin to spend more time with friends and even our own family. So it is important to keep a balance between friends and family because they are both extremely important in our lives.

P.S. Barbecues with friends are funnier.

Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:

Are barbecues a good way to celebrate birthdays?

Answer 1:

It is a great activity for a birthday. You can do it in a restaurant or you can organize an actual outdoor barbecue and spend the whole day out in nature. This is also a great way to invite more people as you don't have to pay too much for the space if it's outdoors in a park. All you need is drinks, meat, and a good company of friends, and great times will follow.

My Personal Answer:

As long as you don't do it every single time. I mean... traditions are important, however, people get tired of doing the same thing every single time. If you organized a barbecue for your birthday, that would be awesome at first. However, if you did it 5 years in a row, I think your friends will assume that there is something wrong with you. A person should try to diversify and do it every once in a while (a while being 5 to 10 years).
Answer 1:
My Personal Answer:
Posted on  07/23/2021 06:11 PM That was very helpful! And I really like the illustrations of this website!
Posted on  11/14/2021 03:08 PM Very helpful! Thanks!
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